Valley Press Headlines
This weeks' headlines in the Valley Press, the official newspaper of the San Lorenzo Valley:
- Historical Society to Hold Quilt Show
- Well, let me grab my scraps and a needle!
- BCRPD (Boulder Creek Recreation and Park District) Elects New Board Member
- Her platform: Sprucing up the facilities behind the fire house. "There's not even an identifiable name on the building... and the interior of the building needs to be painted and brightened up."
- Felton Library Friends Art Contest
- Support your local library!
- Drive-By Shooter Arrested
- Ooh. Sounds serious. Oh, wait: "...responsible for drive-by shottings, with a BB gun..." Phew, almost thought it was Watts for a second.
- Pets being shot in BC
- Well, it was one pet. Shot with a pellet gun. In the foot. But that vet bill is $800!
- Old Grocery Outlet Store in Felton to be Renovated
- Rite-Aid will be moving in. Fear the Wal-Martization of our valley!
- Boulder Creek Loses Beloved Resident Georgina Locatelli
- Local Character dies at 80.
- Page 2 - Crime Watch
- Motorcycle Crash
- Thieves Steal Valuable Bikes
- Valuable Backpack Heisted
- Quarry Gate Torched (someone burned some gasoline on the driveway.)
- Routine Stop Reveals Loaded Guns
- Guy Was Really a Gal (public intoxication)
- Motorcycle Crash
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