Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Valley Press Headlines

This weeks' headlines in the Valley Press, the official newspaper of the San Lorenzo Valley:

Historical Society to Hold Quilt Show
Well, let me grab my scraps and a needle!

BCRPD (Boulder Creek Recreation and Park District) Elects New Board Member
Her platform: Sprucing up the facilities behind the fire house. "There's not even an identifiable name on the building... and the interior of the building needs to be painted and brightened up."

Felton Library Friends Art Contest
Support your local library!

Drive-By Shooter Arrested
Ooh. Sounds serious. Oh, wait: "...responsible for drive-by shottings, with a BB gun..." Phew, almost thought it was Watts for a second.

Pets being shot in BC
Well, it was one pet. Shot with a pellet gun. In the foot. But that vet bill is $800!

Old Grocery Outlet Store in Felton to be Renovated
Rite-Aid will be moving in. Fear the Wal-Martization of our valley!

Boulder Creek Loses Beloved Resident Georgina Locatelli
Local Character dies at 80.

Page 2 - Crime Watch

  • Motorcycle Crash
  • Thieves Steal Valuable Bikes
  • Valuable Backpack Heisted
  • Quarry Gate Torched (someone burned some gasoline on the driveway.)
  • Routine Stop Reveals Loaded Guns
  • Guy Was Really a Gal (public intoxication)


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