Yet another addictive flash game
This blog is almost entirely useless. So don't look at it and tell me it's useless, because I just told you - it's useless.
The 12-Volt Portable Oven and Pizza Maker - this seems like it is fresh from a conversation I had with the Lovely Laurie. What do you think, sweetie?
After finishing level 7 I realized I had other things to do.
Something right up Laurie's alley.
Something strange in the Los Padres National Forest.
Our new iMac G5 came today, and so we now have it set up for all to use.
Is it a bad thing when your four year old knows the Burger King drive-thru order by heart?
Summer brings with it neighborhood walks after dinner. Dandelions and daisies and dirt are the main attractions for the children, but this night the main attraction was a log in a vacant lot with lots of termite swarmers crawling all over it.